Gilmer Valdes, PhD

Asst. Professor In Residence
+1 415 353-8659

I develop Machine Learning algorithms for their application to medical problems.


The Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT in Oncology Exam Questions.

Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR

Chow R, Hasan S, Zheng A, Gao C, Valdes G, Yu F, Chhabra A, Raman S, Choi JI, Lin H, Simone CB

Multi-modal fusion and feature enhancement U-Net coupling with stem cell niches proximity estimation for voxel-wise GBM recurrence prediction.

Physics in medicine and biology

Jiao C, Lao Y, Zhang W, Braunstein SE, Salans M, Villanueva-Meyer J, Hervey-Jumper SL, Yang B, Morin O, Valdes G, Fan Z, Shiroishi M, Zada G, Sheng K, Yang W

Analysis of Clinical Criteria for Discharge Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: Development and Validation of a Risk Prediction Model.

Journal of general internal medicine

Schnipper JL, Oreper S, Hubbard CC, Kurbegov D, Egloff SAA, Najafi N, Valdes G, Siddiqui Z, O 'Leary KJ, Horwitz LI, Lee T, Auerbach AD

Diagnostic Errors in Hospitalized Adults Who Died or Were Transferred to Intensive Care.

JAMA internal medicine

Auerbach AD, Lee TM, Hubbard CC, Ranji SR, Raffel K, Valdes G, Boscardin J, Dalal AK, Harris A, Flynn E, Schnipper JL, UPSIDE Research Group

Predicting the impact of proton beam therapy technology on pulmonary toxicities for locally advanced lung cancer patients enrolled on the Proton Collaborative Group prospective clinical trial.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Valdes G, Scholey J, Nano T, Gennatas ED, Mohindra P, Mohammed N, Zeng J, Kotesha RD, Rosen LR, Chang J, Tsai HK, Urbanic JJ, Vargas CE, Yu NY, Ungar LH, Eaton E, Simone CB

A unified path seeking algorithm for IMRT and IMPT beam orientation optimization.

Physics in medicine and biology

Ramesh P, Valdes G, O'Connor D, Sheng K

Multi-institutional Development and External Validation of a Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Distant Metastasis in Patients Treated by Salvage Radiotherapy for Biochemical Failure After Radical Prostatectomy.

European urology focus

Sabbagh A, Tilki D, Feng J, Huland H, Graefen M, Wiegel T, Böhmer D, Hong JC, Valdes G, Cowan JE, Cooperberg M, Feng FY, Mohammad T, Shelan M, D'Amico AV, Carroll PR, Mohamad O

Development and multi-institutional validation of a convolutional neural network to detect vertebral body mis-alignments in 2D x-ray setup images.

Medical physics

Petragallo R, Bertram P, Halvorsen P, Iftimia I, Low DA, Morin O, Narayanasamy G, Saenz DL, Sukumar KN, Valdes G, Weinstein L, Wells MC, Ziemer BP, Lamb JM

Development and External Validation of a Machine Learning Model for Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Prostate Cancer.

European urology oncology

Sabbagh A, Washington SL, Tilki D, Hong JC, Feng J, Valdes G, Chen MH, Wu J, Huland H, Graefen M, Wiegel T, B?hmer D, Cowan JE, Cooperberg M, Feng FY, Roach M, Trock BJ, Partin AW, D'Amico AV, Carroll PR, Mohamad O

Representational Gradient Boosting: Backpropagation in the Space of Functions.

IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence

Valdes G, Friedman J, Jiang F, Gennatas E

The Conditional Super Learner.

IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence

Valdes G, Interian Y, Gennatas E, Van der Laan M

Towards a safe and efficient clinical implementation of machine learning in radiation oncology by exploring model interpretability, explainability and data-model dependency.

Physics in medicine and biology

Barragan-Montero AM, Bibal A, Huet M, Draguet C, Valdes G, Nguyen D, Willems S, Vandewinckele L, Holmstrom M, Lofman F, Souris K, Sterpin E, Lee JA

Prospective clinical validation of virtual patient-specific quality assurance of VMAT radiation therapy plans.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Wall PDH, Hirata E, Morin O, Valdes G, Witztum A

Artificial Intelligence-Guided Prediction of Dental Doses Before Planning of Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer: Technical Development and Initial Feasibility of Implementation.

Advances in radiation oncology

Chan JW, Hohenstein N, Carpenter C, Pattison AJ, Morin O, Valdes G, Thompson M, Perkins J, Solberg TD, Yom SS

Risks and Opportunities to Ensure Equity in the Application of Big Data Research in Public Health.

Annual review of public health

Wesson P, Hswen Y, Valdes G, Stojanovski K, Handley MA

An artificial intelligence framework integrating longitudinal electronic health records with real-world data enables continuous pan-cancer prognostication.

Nature cancer

Morin O, Vallières M, Braunstein S, Ginart JB, Upadhaya T, Woodruff HC, Zwanenburg A, Chatterjee A, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Valdes G, Chen W, Hong JC, Yom SS, Solberg TD, Löck S, Seuntjens J, Park C, Lambin P

A situational awareness Bayesian network approach for accurate and credible personalized adaptive radiotherapy outcomes prediction in lung cancer patients.

Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)

Luo Y, Jolly S, Palma D, Lawrence TS, Tseng HH, Valdes G, McShan D, Ten Haken RK, Ei Naqa I

Salvage high dose rate brachytherapy for recurrent prostate cancer after definitive radiation.

Practical radiation oncology

Wu SY, Wong AC, Shinohara K, Roach M, Cunha JAM, Valdes G, Hsu IC

Use of ROC analysis and machine learning with an independent dose calculation system reduces number of physical dose measurements required for patient-specific quality assurance.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Hasse K, Scholey J, Ziemer BP, Natsuaki Y, Morin O, Solberg TD, Hirata E, Valdes G, Witztum A

Targeted transfer learning to improve performance in small medical physics datasets.

Medical physics

Romero M, Interian Y, Solberg T, Valdes G

Integration of AI and Machine Learning in Radiotherapy QA.

Frontiers in artificial intelligence

Chan MF, Witztum A, Valdes G

Reply to Nock and Nielsen: On the work of Nock and Nielsen and its relationship to the additive tree.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Valdes G, Luna JM, Gennatas ED, Ungar LH, Eaton E, Diffenderfer ES, Jensen ST, Simone CB, Friedman JH, Solberg TD

Expert-augmented machine learning.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Gennatas ED, Friedman JH, Ungar LH, Pirracchio R, Eaton E, Reichmann LG, Interian Y, Luna JM, Simone CB, Auerbach A, Delgado E, van der Laan MJ, Solberg TD, Valdes G

Building more accurate decision trees with the additive tree.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Luna JM, Gennatas ED, Ungar LH, Eaton E, Diffenderfer ES, Jensen ST, Simone CB, Friedman JH, Solberg TD, Valdes G

Integrated models incorporating radiologic and radiomic features predict meningioma grade, local failure, and overall survival.

Neuro-oncology advances

Morin O, Chen WC, Nassiri F, Susko M, Magill ST, Vasudevan HN, Wu A, Vallières M, Gennatas ED, Valdes G, Pekmezci M, Alcaide-Leon P, Choudhury A, Interian Y, Mortezavi S, Turgutlu K, Bush NAO, Solberg TD, Braunstein SE, Sneed PK, Perry A, Zadeh G, McDermott MW, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Raleigh DR

Optimizing beam models for dosimetric accuracy over a wide range of treatments.

Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)

Chen J, Morin O, Weethee B, Perez-Andujar A, Phillips J, Held M, Kearney V, Han DY, Cheung J, Chuang C, Valdes G, Sudhyadhom A, Solberg T

Predicting radiation pneumonitis in locally advanced stage II-III non-small cell lung cancer using machine learning.

Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

Luna JM, Chao HH, Diffenderfer ES, Valdes G, Chinniah C, Ma G, Cengel KA, Solberg TD, Berman AT, Simone CB

Erratum: "Machine learning algorithms for outcome prediction in (chemo)radiotherapy: An empirical comparison of classifiers" [Med. Phys. 45 (7), 3449-3459 (2018)].

Medical physics

Deist TM, Dankers FJWM, Valdes G, Wijsman R, Hsu IC, Oberije C, Lustberg T, van Soest J, Hoebers F, Jochems A, El Naqa I, Wee L, Morin O, Raleigh DR, Bots W, Kaanders JH, Belderbos J, Kwint M, Solberg T, Monshouwer R, Bussink J, Dekker A, Lambin P

In Reply to Gensheimer and Trister.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Valdes G, Chang AJ, Cunnan A, Solberg TD, Hsu IC, Interian Y, Owen K, Jensen ST, Ungar LH

Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology Imaging.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Thompson RF, Valdes G, Fuller CD, Carpenter CM, Morin O, Aneja S, Lindsay WD, Aerts HJWL, Agrimson B, Deville C, Rosenthal SA, Yu JB, Thomas CR

Preoperative and postoperative prediction of long-term meningioma outcomes.

PloS one

Gennatas ED, Wu A, Braunstein SE, Morin O, Chen WC, Magill ST, Gopinath C, Villaneueva-Meyer JE, Perry A, McDermott MW, Solberg TD, Valdes G, Raleigh DR

An unsupervised convolutional neural network-based algorithm for deformable image registration.

Physics in medicine and biology

Kearney V, Haaf S, Sudhyadhom A, Valdes G, Solberg TD

A Deep Look Into the Future of Quantitative Imaging in Oncology: A Statement of Working Principles and Proposal for Change.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Morin O, Vallières M, Jochems A, Woodruff HC, Valdes G, Braunstein SE, Wildberger JE, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Kearney V, Yom SS, Solberg TD, Lambin P

Machine learning and modeling: Data, validation, communication challenges.

Medical physics

El Naqa I, Ruan D, Valdes G, Dekker A, McNutt T, Ge Y, Wu QJ, Oh JH, Thor M, Smith W, Rao A, Fuller C, Xiao Y, Manion F, Schipper M, Mayo C, Moran JM, Ten Haken R

Machine learning algorithms for outcome prediction in (chemo)radiotherapy: An empirical comparison of classifiers.

Medical physics

Deist TM, Dankers FJWM, Valdes G, Wijsman R, Hsu IC, Oberije C, Lustberg T, van Soest J, Hoebers F, Jochems A, El Naqa I, Wee L, Morin O, Raleigh DR, Bots W, Kaanders JH, Belderbos J, Kwint M, Solberg T, Monshouwer R, Bussink J, Dekker A, Lambin P

Artificial intelligence in radiation oncology: A specialty-wide disruptive transformation?

Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

Thompson RF, Valdes G, Fuller CD, Carpenter CM, Morin O, Aneja S, Lindsay WD, Aerts HJWL, Agrimson B, Deville C, Rosenthal SA, Yu JB, Thomas CR

Clinical Applications of Quantitative 3-Dimensional MRI Analysis for Pediatric Embryonal Brain Tumors.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Hara JH, Wu A, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Valdes G, Daggubati V, Mueller S, Solberg TD, Braunstein SE, Morin O, Raleigh DR

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Thompson RF, Valdes G, Fuller CD, Carpenter CM, Morin O, Aneja S, Lindsay WD, Aerts HJWL, Agrimson B, Deville C, Rosenthal SA, Yu JB, Thomas CR

Deep nets vs expert designed features in medical physics: An IMRT QA case study.

Medical physics

Interian Y, Rideout V, Kearney VP, Gennatas E, Morin O, Cheung J, Solberg T, Valdes G

Machine Learning in Radiation Oncology: Opportunities, Requirements, and Needs.

Frontiers in oncology

Feng M, Valdes G, Dixit N, Solberg TD

Salvage HDR Brachytherapy: Multiple Hypothesis Testing Versus Machine Learning Analysis.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Valdes G, Chang AJ, Interian Y, Owen K, Jensen ST, Ungar LH, Cunha A, Solberg TD, Hsu IC

Correcting TG 119 confidence limits.

Medical physics

Kearney V, Solberg T, Jensen S, Cheung J, Chuang C, Valdes G

Clinical decision support of radiotherapy treatment planning: A data-driven machine learning strategy for patient-specific dosimetric decision making.

Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

Valdes G, Simone CB, Chen J, Lin A, Yom SS, Pattison AJ, Carpenter CM, Solberg TD

IMRT QA using machine learning: A multi-institutional validation.

Journal of applied clinical medical physics

Valdes G, Chan MF, Lim SB, Scheuermann R, Deasy JO, Solberg TD

MediBoost: a Patient Stratification Tool for Interpretable Decision Making in the Era of Precision Medicine.

Scientific reports

Valdes G, Luna JM, Eaton E, Simone CB, Ungar LH, Solberg TD

A mathematical framework for virtual IMRT QA using machine learning.

Medical physics

Valdes G, Scheuermann R, Hung CY, Olszanski A, Bellerive M, Solberg TD

Use of TrueBeam developer mode for imaging QA.

Journal of applied clinical medical physics

Valdes G, Morin O, Valenciaga Y, Kirby N, Pouliot J, Chuang C

Tumor control probability and the utility of 4D vs 3D dose calculations for stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer.

Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists

Effects of gamma radiation on phase behaviour and critical micelle concentration of Triton X-100 aqueous solutions

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Valdés G, S. Rodríguez-Calvo, M. Rapado-Paneque, A. Pérez-Gramatges, F. A. Fernández, E. Frota, C. Ribeiro